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Home Made Bubbles
You will need: An empty plastic bottle- any size or shape An odd sock or glove -we all have plenty of these! An elastic band Washing up liquid A tub Water A pair of scissors How to make it: 1. Using the scissors, cut the bottom of the bottle off. 2. Put the...
Easy Playdoh
Playdoh is so easy to make and can provide hours of fun for toddlers and pre-school children. Getting creative and hands-on really helps to stretch youngsters’ imaginations and you can also use playdoh to teach children skills such as sharing and colour...
Egg Painting
Children can let their imaginations run wild by inventing crazy and fun designs for their eggs. Simply hard boil eggs and allow to cool, before painting with food colouring or water-based pens. Use material and string to add clothes and hair to create your...
Pasta Jewellery
Children love putting their creativity to the test by designing their own pasta necklaces and bracelets. By threading and painting pasta shapes on to pieces of string your youngster can get innovative, express their creativity and practise skills such as hand-eye...
Musical Instruments
There are many simple musical instruments that children can make cheaply from the ingredients in your cupboard. They can provide hours of entertainment and help your children stretch their creative skills: • Maracas can be made by adding dry beans, rice or pasta to...
Christmas Songs
Shepherds Around the Fire The shepherds sat around the fire, around the fire, around the fire. The shepherds sat around the fire on a cold winters night. The angels came to visit them, visit them, visit them. The angels came to visit them With a bright shiny light!...