This week was supposed to be all about life cycles… so with today being a sunny day and us not on complete lockdown just yet our first activity suggestion is collecting Frogspawn 🐸 (obviously follow social distancing advice 😬)- here’s a helpful guide on how to raise your froglets
🧒🏻Amazon have some great life cycle figures so you can make your own sensory tray using water beads (these can be dangerous if ingested so use under supervision) or a taste safe alternative is soaked chia/basil seeds or tapioca 👍
👶🏻Babies will enjoy getting out in the fresh air in a potentially new environment to hunt for frogspawn, they will also enjoy watching the tadpoles move once they hatch and you can sing songs such as 5 little speckled frogs
💪A great physical game could be a frog interpretation of the Bean Game. Chose a move for each stage of the frog lifecycle (egg-curl up in a ball, tadpole – wiggle on the ground, tadpole with legs – crawl, frog – jump up & down) then as you shout the move they have to do the action
🎨There’s also lots of crafts you can do using recycled materials.
🧑🏻👱🏻♀️You can purchase jumping party bag frogs (from amazon or sometimes they have them in the party bag section at supermarkets)and have races to include older children & also get the older children to draw out the frog life cycle process to put near your tank. You could give the older children the responsibility of looking after the tank and tadpoles and researching how to look after them. has some great life cycle resources too use code UKTWINKLHELPS for a months free access to resources.