Prices & enrolment
For the latest availability and current prices please contact our Nursery Manager at the Nursery you are interested in.

Nursery Fees include:
- Quality early year’s care and education
- Freshly made, healthy meals and snacks
- Celebration of festivals throughout the year
- High-quality resources and equipment
- A Personal Learning Journey for you to keep
- Pampers nappies and sensitive wipes
- Drinking cups, bibs, bedding
All of our Nurseries are unique and individual and as such offer a variety of different extras and activities such as Sports, Football, Outdoor Education, Yoga etc.
Tax-Free Childcare
If you are eligible you can pay your nursery fees through the new Tax-Free Childcare scheme. The scheme is designed so that for every 80p you put in, the state will add 20p – effectively giving you basic-rate tax back on what you pay. In total you will be able to use the scheme to pay for up to £10,000 of childcare per child each year – saving you £2,000 per child per year
For more information on using Tax-Free Childcare see the section on our Head Office page.
Childcare Vouchers
We accept all types of Childcare Vouchers at Educare, Childcare Vouchers can save many parents over £1,000 a year on childcare. They’re only available via employers, but many large and small companies take part. The work by allowing you to pay for childcare out of your PRE-TAX and national insurance income. While this doesn’t sound much, the benefit is huge.
Childcare voucher deadline extended – Parliament voted on 14 March to extend the deadline for joining the Childcare Vouchers Scheme by around six months, meaning it will now close to new applicants on 4th October 2018.
For more information on using Childcare Vouchers see the section on our Head Office page.
We are pleased to be able to offer the 15 Funded Hours to all 3 – 4-year-old children. If you would like more information on when your child would become eligible please give your chosen Nursery a call.
We also offer the extended 30 Funded Hour’s entitlement for 3 – 4-year-olds for those parents who are eligible.
In order to access 30 hours funded childcare, you will need to confirm your eligibility and collect a unique code through HMRC. Eligibility for the extended hours is income-based, and there are set cut-off dates for applying for funded childcare throughout the year.
Acceptance of funded places within our nurseries is dependent on our availability.
Universal Credit / Tax Credits
Many families do not take advantage of the financial help with childcare that is available to them. Families on middle as well as low incomes may be entitled to financial support such as Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit. This extra help – called ‘the childcare element of working tax credits / universal credit’ – is available to individuals to help with the cost of childcare. The amount received is dependent on your circumstances and income but could cover up to 70% of your childcare costs.
If you receive Tax Credits the amount you are eligible for may be affected by using Childcare Vouchers, Tax-Free Childcare or the Funded Hours schemes. Please check which one you would be more beneficial on before signing up to a different scheme.