Outdoor Activities

Outdoor Activities

So it looks like it might be another lovely day tomorrow so we thought we’d post some of our favourite outdoor activities. Some of these can be done in your garden and some can be done on your daily allowed exercise. 👶🏻 Babies •Lots of free exploration! The grass /...
Ideas for your Children

Ideas for your Children

Here are some simple ideas for today for those who need it 😬🤪(taken from the Kavanaugh Report instagram) Don’t forget Joe Wicks is doing a morning PE lesson on his youtube at 9am everyday- https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 There’s also cosmic yoga for those...
Chick Life Cycle

Chick Life Cycle

Another life cycle to investigate today. 🐣 🐥 Some of your children will have seen the chicks/ducks recently so this should be really interesting for them 👶🏻 Use rubber ducks or puppets to sing 5 little ducks went swimming one day. You could hide the ducks and make...
Frog Life Cycle

Frog Life Cycle

This week was supposed to be all about life cycles… so with today being a sunny day and us not on complete lockdown just yet our first activity suggestion is collecting Frogspawn 🐸 (obviously follow social distancing advice 😬)- here’s a helpful guide on how to...
Window Wonderland

Window Wonderland

Our first idea is something that has been doing the rounds on Facebook. Share this post on your local Facebook groups and get your local area involved in a huge game of I-SPY! Great for safe social distancing outside and creative time indoors 🎨🌈